Tuesday, January 03, 2006

One step forward, three steps back (The Intelligent Design Dance)

Am I the only one amazed that in the year 2006, we are still debating EVOLUTION??? Oh, I'm sorry.... intelligent design. How is it that the right wing has repackaged the Old Testament and is trying to shove it down the throats of school children all over again??

Fortunately some states have seen through this bullshit and nipped this blatant attempt to get creationism into our science books in the bud. But alas, in the state of Florida, Governor Duh (Jeb Bush as he is known in other circles) has opened the door to debate saying that we need to be open minded and review all options. You know it's bad when a Republican says we need to be open minded.

Lots of people have asked if I thought that Jeb would run for President in 2008. I really don't think that he would even if W made it through the next 3 years without getting impeached. And even if he did run, he would have no chance in hell of being elected as Jeb is a practicing Catholic and that would no doubt piss off all the Evangelical Christians that put W and Daddy in office.

When I was in college, I had an Evangelical tell me that Catholics ate babies and were doomed to hell.

While we don't eat babies, we are an archaic religion. Take for instance the whole condom issue. I really hoped that Pope Bennie would come out and say, "Look, we have too many fucking diseases and such and way too far many unwanted babies die to the rhythm method which is NOT working, so yo, put a bag on it." It only makes sense for a religion so concerned about abortion and such that we try to curb the numbers of unwanted children being born and are subsequently aborted by irresponsible teenage girls and their insipid parents. (Bl@nde note: I am all for a woman's right to do as she wishes with her body, but I don't like abortion as birth control).

But now we expose the real hypocrisy of the Catholic Church. Now, homosexuality is bad, bad, bad. Even the priests that are gay get re-assigned to new churches where no one know them and they have to rebuild their gay network.

So I am guessing I am doomed to hell for being a gay boy. That is definitely one big gay strike against me but please higher being, do consider that Justin and I do NOT use condoms. So isn't that worth anything at all?

Maybe a brief stint in Purgatory so we can say "Hail Marys" to save our big gay asses??

Religion is confusing.

You're damned if you do and damned if you don't.


Blogger Noah said...

It's weird, cause I'm listening to American Idiot right now. It just happened to come onto I tunes. Otherwise, I know how you feel. If your big against the whole Intelligent disign thing, you should check out FSM, http://www.venganza.org.
It's a parody religion just to mach Intelligent design...

10:18 AM  

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